Terms & Conditions
General Terms & Conditions
Insider Media Group Pty Ltd – May also be referred throughout terms as us or we and the client may be referred to as you or customer.
Insider Media Group Pty Ltd will look to offer and provide its range services in as timely fashion as possible but is not held responsible for any delays outside of its control including but not limited to delay in content, images or contact from the customer.
Insider Media Group Pty Ltd will not be held responsible in any way any change in service or product quality from its third party service providers such as Shopify and Squarespace. These changes may include outages, cost of service, service interruption or change in product offering.
While Insider Media Group Pty Ltd will endeavour to source reliable and credible 3rd party suppliers, and partnerships for website hosting, marketing, SEO and email services, we do not guarantee, and cannot be held responsible for any service delivery, outages or downtime by any 3rd party suppliersand partnerships.
Insider Media Group Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement of any images including stock photos, logos and / or content used on any project where the copy/images are provided to us by the client.
Customers of Insider Media Group Pty Ltd are not entitled to any project items that fall outside of the agreed project confirmation unless otherwise agreed.
Customers are not entitled to a refund of deposit once the team at Insider Media Group Pty Ltd has booked in a project unless we fail to complete an agreed project and a satisfactory result cannot be achieved. Customers are of the understanding that as soon as a deposit has been received initial prep work for the project is conducted by the Insider Media Group Pty Ltd team.
Customers who, without giving us prior notice at the start of a project are delayed in providing the full required assets for an impending project may be subjected to a waiting period due to project commitments of other customers of Insider Media Group Pty Ltd who are already further down the pipeline. The team will endeavour to work with our customers needs to ensure that any delays are kept to a minimum.
Should a Customer delay a project, without prior notice for a considerable length of time (6 months or more), we reserve the right to re-quote and/or pass on any price increases.
Unless otherwise agreed, Insider Media Group Pty Ltd require all assets such as products, images and copy text to be provided before project commencement. If only part assets are provided then Insider Media Group Pty Ltd reserve the right to complete a project using only these assets.
Customers are entitled to one round of cosmetic and copy changes on web-design and e-commerce design projects unless otherwise specified depending on the scope and size of the project. Additional changes will be charged at our usual hourly rate.
Where a project includes training, this may be taken in the form of an in-house meeting, a phone call or general email support for the included time. Training will be conducted following full handover of the website to the customer.
All projects will be designed and undertaken adopting best practice methods but no guarantees are given as to Google and/or other search engine rankings. Where 301 redirects are included, these are added for key website pages such as home, about, contact and main product collections.
Customers of Insider Media Group who have opted for marketing Management Services are responsible for their own marketing budgets and will reimburse Insider Media Group in full for any marketing budget costs incurred by Insider Media Group for running the client's campaign such as Google Adwords and Facebook / Instagram marketing costs.
Any outstanding final invoice that is more than 14 days overdue may be deemed as a bad debt and passed onto a third party collections agency/legal team. In addition we reserve the right to cancel any hosting plans and access that may have been granted.
Insider Media Group will use marketing methods including but not limited to, ad campaigns & competitions to drive traffic to our customers site / online store. The channels use will depend upon the pre agreed methods such as search, social and email marketing campaigns. Insider Media Group despite its efforts offers no guarantees whatsoever regarding results or sales attributed to the campaign(s).